InstaCut is the fastest way to fracture in Blender. To get started just:
  1. Run InstaCut
  2. Choose the number of fragments
  3. Get new looks by varying the seed

That's it.

Fully Dynamic

Endless Iterations

Automatic Inside Material

Fracture Any Shape

Seamless Cuts


InstaCut is installed as an asset (different from an addon). You can add InstaCut to the asset browser by extracting the InstaCut folder from the .zip - then add this folder as a file path (found in: Edit > Preferences > File-Paths). It is then recommended to refresh the asset browser and give Blender a restart!

Known Limitations

  • InstaCut works on a mesh level (it does not create new objects). Think of it as an operation like bevel, extrude, etc.
  • Source Mesh must be airtight.
  • Not optimized for very dense meshes (it will still work though, just slower).
  • Some seeds can be glitchy (in which case just pick a new one).