○ The Problem ○
If you're a 3D artist without a photographic memory then you're using reference images. Or at least, you should be. And as someone who has done their fair share '3d tracing', let me tell you, your boy Blender needs some work! The current implementation I see usually looks something like this:

Essentially a bunch of image planes that can only be isolated from certain views (here you see side, front, and top views):

To try to see them all at once however either involves some nightmare camera-specific backgrounds - or even worse...

I'm not going to name names, but there is someone in particular I was thinking for that example.
○ The Solution ○
The solution is using screen space image!. For those not familiar check out this reddit post. As a quick overview:
Screen Space ↔ (x,y) 2D-coordinates of the viewport itself
Blender only uses world space image planes whereas it should be using screen space overlays! This is exactly what Easy Overlay adds! This addon uses no geometry whatsoever! Letting you easily adjust and swap out your images INDEPENDENTLY from the Blender scene.
○ Features ○
9 Overlays

Fast & Dynamic


Editable Hotkeys

○ How It Works ○
If you'd like to compile or modify the addon for yourself you can do so on my github.